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This command is used to create objects within your data warehouse. The objects that are supported at the moment are:


modelstar create <sub-command> <object-data-pointer>


Available <sub-command>


You can use this subcommand to create a table in your data warehouse under the database and schema mentioned in configuration file. The use of the command references a <object-data-pointer> which is colon separated local data to warehouse table name mapper such as <local_data_file_location>:<table_name>. Example: sample_data/sales.csv:SALES, where the sample_data/sales.csv is the local relative path to find the csv file and the SALES is the name of the table that you want to create in your warehouse with this data file.


Referen to the individual sub-command for information about this.


Usage of the command

$ modelstar create table sample-data/sales.csv:SALES

Output of the command

Creating `table` as `SALES` from `sales.csv`

| file | status | rows_parsed | rows_loaded |
| test/sales.csv.gz | LOADED | 2905 | 2905 |

Table: SALES available at: `MODELSTAR_TEST.PUBLIC`